
Tel: (0044) (0)7931-887-395

Please find pieces currently for sale at ARTISAN in Chagford. More photos can be seen in my flickr-gallery "silverandmoor".
you can also find me on facebook under "silverandmoor".

Make your own ring

Silver and Moor’ now offers you the unique opportunity to forge your own ring.
Create something really special that will last forever:
Engagement rings
Wedding/Handfasting rings
Friendship rings
Birthdays and more…

You don’t need any skills, know how, or even materials. You’ll make your ring in a one to one session under the guidance of a
qualified Chagford Jeweller.
Ring designs range from simple band-rings to hammered, textured styles in
silver or gold.
A typical session will last between three to four hours, from designing to finishing your unique piece.
Cost: £30 per hour plus materials.

For more information and bookings
please contact  Miriam Boy on Tel: 07931887395